Give your marketing some love!

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Umbrella Marketing Team
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January is over and February is here. It’s time to have plans in place for the new financial year. Although budgets are tight and Brexit uncertainty remains, you have to plan and move forward! So, are you going to limp on, or are you going to give your marketing a little bit of love and attention?

In the run-up to Valentine’s Day, give your marketing the attention it deserves. Read on for the areas of your marketing that we believe need a little love.


Take the opportunity to reflect on how you’re meeting your dates (well, customers)! Consider what has worked well in the past. Did direct mail get a great response, or did you get a flurry of business after attending a conference? If you’ve managed to identify the marketing platforms that bring you results, then these can be built into your marketing strategy. Have any of your past campaigns been disappointing? What could you do differently next time?

Developing a strategy should be an ongoing process, based on your expanding knowledge and the shifting expectations of your market.

Finding the perfect date

You know you’ve got a lot to offer, but you’re just not sure you’re meeting the right people! Check out the demographics of your audience and those of your competitors – are they reaching people that you aren’t? If your competitors have got through to a section of the market that you can’t seem to attract, take a look at what they’re doing differently.

Creating buyer personas is a good way to find your perfect match! Consider what would be important to your buyer and where they’re likely to spend their time. Then, target them in the right places with messaging that’s relevant to them.

Looking your best

First impressions count. You would want to look your best before a date, and you need to make the same effort for your customers! When a prospective customer sees your marketing collateral or website, they will immediately notice if it appears dated or low quality. A great logo, slick design and high standard website will give a professional first impression. If you think your business could benefit from the skills of professional designers, give it the refresh it needs!

Manage your relationships

It’s not just around Valentine’s Day that you need to work on your relationships! You know how important it is to work coherently with your colleagues, and those relationships take management. When it comes to your marketing, everyone needs to be on the same page. Your finance director will need to be made aware of your budget, and your team will need to know exactly what actions to take. If you’re outsourcing a task, you will need to clearly communicate your project briefs, just as you would to your own team!

Have you got a refreshed marketing strategy prepared for the new tax year in April? Benefit from the expertise of our entire team with our marketing packages or contact the team on 01244 515569.

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