Guide to dating and content marketing

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Umbrella Marketing Team
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From first date to marriage…

The right first impression is key to getting your first date or the initial meeting. However, from this point, there still is quite a long journey to the second one, first kiss, holiday together, engagement or the big wedding day.As much as you wouldn’t expect a prospective partner to get down on one knee and pop the big question after just a single date, this approach is often used in marketing with brands. We shouldn’t jump from “hello” to “I do” without all the stages in between!

It’s all about me…NOT!

We’re not the first ones to compare content marketing to a first date, but still… If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date. Simple principles of dating apply to business retention too!You need to get to know each other before taking things further. This applies to brands just as much as to newly dating couples.As a brand, if all you do is talk about how great you are and provide no value to the consumers, they won’t engage with you. Listening to theirs needs and wants can hep to speed up the process. By adding value to the conversation you will build a positive association. This can be done by driving web traffic and building brand awareness.

Flatter and attract

Display intelligence but try to be fun at the same time. This rule of attraction seems simple enough, but so many get it wrong. Don't be too stereotypical. Be able to let your hair down and tell jokes, try to enjoy the things that they enjoy. They will want to spend time with you even more.Once the definite attraction is there and they are really interested, you as a business, show them what you have to offer. Webinars, white papers and e-books are great examples of content that can show off your expertise and demonstrate to your prospective clients and customers that you’re the real deal.

Play hard to get

The worst thing you can do is to appear desperate. We are attracted to the thrill of the chase, so if you're chasing after, you're taking away the challenge. Keep it low-key and on the edge of the seat. Maintain your composure. Your outward indifference may make them want us more!Perhaps we shouldn’t think of dating in terms of ‘conversions’, but now that you know each other it’s time to sell yourself and show why we’re the right person (or business) for them.

Don’t let the romance die!

You’re hitched! But marriage requires hard work, so don’t let the romance die. Send your other half flowers, take them away for the weekend, show them that you care!In business terms keep their interest alive with regular email newsletters and social media updates. After all, you want them to say nice things about you to their friends!

Love us back…

Is your business looking to use content marketing? Think about the different types of content you need at every part of the customer journey. Remember, it must add value, inform or entertain or engage the viewer/reader. Ask your team to take off their “marketing hat” and ask themselves – how does this piece add value – does it solve a problem or make someone feel a certain way? Would you engage with it as a consumer?By creating a psychological connection with consumers and making them feel something, they will respond to you, talk about you, like you, and come back for more.Need help with your content marketing? Give us a shout! We’re here to help: 01244 555169 or

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