How to keep visitors on your website for longer

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Umbrella Marketing Team
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At times it seems to be tricky to get internet users to visit our websites. Not to mention about trying to encourage them to stay on it for longer and get them to do the desired call to action- be it filling the form, purchasing goods or registering for newsletter. How do we do it though?Think of it as of a new date- you want to find out more about the person, what their interests are, what are their beliefs, what are their plans and aspirations. Before you get to ask them any of that, it is the first impression that counts- teeth, nails, hair or shoes. Everyone checks for something!Statistically you only get between 5 to 15 seconds time for your website visitor to make up their mind. You’ve got to get it right as you only get one chance!

TIP 1: Spend equal amount of time preparing and promoting your website!

Loading time

We expect the website to load in no time but really after 2-3 seconds we start to get annoyed! As internet users we want to be in control and when it is not, we simply navigate out and find what we want or need elsewhere! Believe it or not research has shown that the only exemption to the rule are art related pages or galleries where we subconsciously realise the loading time can extend slightly!

First Impression

Once a website has loaded it needs to give the right first impression. Once users decide that it fit their expectations, they will explore it further. This means your website needs to meet two criteria:

  1. Be likeable by your target audience.
  2. Follow your company’s branding guide.

Design needs to go in line with your brand in terms of how modern it is, how innovative etc. Also, you should follow current guidance on layout. They can change and so regularly updating your website is a must.

TIP 2: Be prepared, you only get one chance!


You should avoid innovation and original ideas in this field! Your web user needs to feel comfortable whilst staying on your website. This can be easily achieved by making them feel like at home, somewhere they know well and feel safe with obvious usability familiar to all.

Make important information stand out

This very much depends on what kind of enterprise you are? What is the aim of your website? Are you an e-commerce outlet or purely news-based provider? The rules vary from one industry to the next. If you sell online, probably the most important is information about the product and the delivery price as well as payments methods accepted. If you are a restaurant, is your menu easily accessible? Do you have a gallery of images? Do you let people book table online?

Current Information

There are some “no-go” rules that you should make sure you comply with! A valid phone number could be first. Some other common mistakes include: old, outdated pictures, or blog posts that haven’t been updated for months or years. Mistakes such as these show a lack of respect for the visitor or potential client.

TIP 3: Update content regularly!

Meaningful Content

This seems to be a key not only for search engines but for internet users too! There are some tricks and guides on headline writing, one example of not using it correctly is where content has been written using celebrities’ names even though the content of the article has got nothing to do with them. Appropriate images and examples help bring content to life if used to add meaning.

Making it easier

Once the website user selects your blog/ article etc. you should try to make it easy for them to read. Make sure the font is right size and colour. Does it flow? How does it render on mobile devices? Could you highlight the main points and make clear spaces between paragraphs? Does the graphic you’ve chosen go well with overall text?

TIP 4: Clear and readable layout is a key!


Whilst generally consumers don’t mind subtle advertising on the side of the website or as a headline banner, the intrusive pop ups are something you should try to avoid in all shapes and forms! Of course, not having them isn’t a definitive way to success but certainly plays important role in user experience.

Mobile and responsive design

As we mentioned in one of our previous blogs Google- New algorithm which could affect your website! having a mobile website that renders well on multiple devices is key and those who don’t comply are likely to be penalised by Google.

TIP 5: Contact us for more!

Similarly to the fashion industry, with web design, there are trends, movements and crazes that affect the way we present ourselves and our websites. If you want to stay ahead of the game, you need to refresh, update and be ready to re-design your website every so often. This is done just for the sake of trends but as a result of growing demand and expectations of users. Websites need to be monitored, tested and analysed on regular basis.For more information and to see how Umbrella Marketing TEAM can help, please get in touch!01244 515570hello@

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